
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dwelling in the land... and being OK with it!

"Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37: 3 - 4

This has become my life verse lately. (And my answer when someone asks me about dating!)  There was a post a few months ago over at Kelly's Korner where she mentioned this verse and wrote a post to all of her single blog readers. Now, I am sure she was not thinking specifically of me when she wrote that post, however, I felt as if she were sitting across from me, looking me in my eyes, and telling me to be patient. Dwell in the land. Trust in the Lord. My mother read it before I did and sent me a message via facebook telling me I HAD to read it! It was that good of a post! 

Anyways, I am learning how to dwell in the land. I am learning to be happy with what I have and thankful for what I don't. I am at peace with the fact that I am not married and do not have children and am almost 30 years old. My time will come. And if it does not, then I am OK with that too. God has huge plans for me. Whether it be sitting in a cube at an office the rest of my life or getting to be the stay at home soccer mom to precious children I will be okay with what I am given. 

Dwelling in the land has its promises too... read on to verse 4 and God promises us to give us the desires of our hearts and I am holding steadfast to that. God never lets us down. Things may not happen the way we want them to, but He knows whats best for us and directs us the way we should go. 

So, if you ask me if I am seeing anyone, or if there is a special someone and I snap back with " I AM DWELLING IN THE LAND!" Please do not be offended, it just may be that I am being a little impatient with God at that moment and am reminding myself (and not telling you) that I am dwelling in the land of God and am OK with it! 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Secular Music in the Church?

I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church signing the songs out of the hymnal. I will admit they hold a very special place in my heart and yes, I actually enjoy Southern Gospel music. But, I also enjoy secular music. My set radio stations in my car included country, pop, rock, rap.

In fact, I don't have a Christian station set. I remember in high school that a friend of mine thought I wasn't a true Christian if I listened to such awful music. I just pushed her thoughts aside, I knew where my heart stood. I knew my Savior loved me no matter what I listened to. But, I thought I would never ever hear secular music in church.

Fast forward a few years and I began attending Northpoint Church in Alpharetta. One Sunday at the end of the service Andy began talking about a song they were about to sing. He explained that the writer of this song wrote it at his weakest moments and that is when he realized Christ was there to save him. It was at his wit's end when he realized that Christ had been there all along, and on the way down, Christ picked him up. What song you ask? "On the Way Down" by Ryan Cabrera.

Now that artist my or may not be recognizable, he has only had a few popular songs, but he is more known for being Ashley Simpson's boyfriend before she married Pete Wentz. But, my point is, here was a large church, a popular church, singing a secular song. Were they crazy? Some might think so. This type of thing continued to happen. And in the summer they did a concert on the lawn of the church where the worship leaders and band came together and sang an array of songs, none of them being "Christian." (Think Journey, Night Ranger, Backstreet Boys, and lots lots more.)

The Northpoint Campuses have continued with this. In fact, this summer they have began each service in the 10 minutes before it starts singing fun summer songs. This morning they started with Free Ride and Free Bird. (Which by the way, A M A Z I N G job on Free Bird! Almost as good as Lynyrd Skynyrd) Last week they sang Knee Deep by Zac Brown, the week before they sang Rolling in the Deep by Adelle.

So, is this wrong? I don't think so. I know that most people would not agree with me. Church shouldn't be secular, but how are we supposed to reach the unreached when we are not willing to enter the secular world? I will say that there is a time of worship where worship songs are sang. In fact these secular songs are sang BEFORE church starts, while everyone is finding their seats. They continue with the reverence and intimacy of God in worship by singing worship songs.

I think that this is a brilliant way to reach those who are not used to or comfortable with going to church. You welcome them in with something familiar. So, I say kudos to Northpoint and its campuses!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's not the's the people

A church is made up of people. Sinners to be exact. We are all sinners, even the preacher. If you don't agree, then I suggest reading the Bible. (We ALL fall short of the glory of God)  But, that would a completely different topic than what I would like to discuss. 

Last year I changed churches. I loved Browns Bridge Church and Andy Stanley is an awesome preacher but the singles program was not fulfilling my needs. So, I went on the hunt for a new church and joined First Redeemer. They have a singles Sunday School class and I thought it was amazing. I was making friends, filling my spiritual needs, and life was pretty fantastic. Or so I thought. Fast forward a few months and there was a spring cookout held at my house.

After the cookout a few folks decided to hang around, guys and girls. The night proceeded and we were hanging out, dancing, and yes, drinking was involved. My only rule at my house is that if you drink you must stay. As the night progressed all of the girls who had stayed ended up leaving (they had a dd) and that left me with 3 guys. The boys were not allowed to leave due to the aformentioned rule. 1 fell asleep in my room, another on the couch, and one upstairs in the guest bedroom. (Before you make assumptions I slept on the air mattress.) Anyways, rumors got back to the rest of the Sunday School class and before anyone ever asked me what actually happened at my own home I was judged and convicted. I have since been shunned from the class because of all of this. 

It is not fair, it is not right, and frankly it hurts...a whole lot! I have never experienced such utter disrespect of a fellow Christian. If I had any doubt in my faith in God this would truly rock my foundation. However, I believe in God and not the church. I believe that we are all sinners, even the preacher, and realize that we all make mistakes. We all judge others, and I have done so. But even if I disagree with something that happened or something someone chooses I do not shun them. I do not treat them with disrespect. Don't get me wrong, I have made many mistakes.

I have since left that church. There was more fall out and the decisions that were made in the class were ones that I could not and would not agree with. (IE - they were making the leaders sign "contracts" that said the person could not drink with the opposite sex unless they were married to the person or dating.) I do realize however that just because this group of people made these choices does not mean that the church, or all Christians, feel this way. I like First Redeemer.(the church not the class) But, what is the point when I left Browns Bridge for somewhat of the same reasons? So I am on the hunt for a new church...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Debt - Even Finance People Screw It Up!

I am ripping off the band-aid and exposing my dirty little secret...


Plus all of this....

Leads to this action....

If you cannot tell from the last picture, that would be those lovely credit cards in water in my freezer. Yes, I am going old school philosophy to get out of debt! Quit using them by freezing them in water!

Yes, I was a finance major in college. Yes, I would preach to anyone that asked that you should not have more than one major credit and NEVER EVER EVER charge anything to it if you do not have the cash to pay for it. And, yes, I stuck to my rule until I started buying my own home and losing weight. That is when my debt started to rack up.

So, now, I am admitting to the public that I broke my own rules. But, I am taking responsibility. Those cards are in the freezer and that is where they are staying! I have met with a personal banker and we are working on some options in getting a running start at getting rid of some of my debt. I have started a savings account that I am treating like a bill. (The personal banker's statement not mine) And, I will not use my savings account unless absolutely needed. I am also using this blog as a way to keep myself accountable.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Hi there! Well, I am starting my blog over. I had one, kept it up, let it go, wrote a few more posts, and then just dropped off. Well, my mind has been turning lately and I have a few things to say. Ok, so if you know me at all I have A LOT to say!

So who am I? What am I about? What will I write about?

I told someone this morning at church that I know who I am and who I am not. (And I am not the church whore!...more to come on that story) I am a daughter, a single, a Christian woman, a but of a work-a-holic, friend, confidant, "fur" mommy, strong willed, stubborn, and much more.

But, to be more to the point, I am a 29 year old single woman living on my own and trying to make my way in this crazy world. I fully believe in Christ and am currently searching for a new church to call home. I work full time doing something in a field I actually enjoy, I work for ADP in Workers Comp policy management. I have 2 dogs who I will talk about often. I bought my own home 2 years ago, and while it has been a little daunting I have enjoyed every minute of it. My parents are amazing, my mom is my best friend. I am close to my family and nothing is more important to me. Contrary to what I sometimes say, I am still young and learning new lessons. But, that is what makes life interesting and worth living.

More to come... stay tuned!

The original blog can be found...